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West End Coffee Roasters Ltd.

Colombia Supremo - medium roast

Colombia Supremo - medium roast

Regular price $19.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $19.00 CAD
Sale Sold out
Roast Level
  • Country: Colombia
  • Region: Huila
  • Elevation: 1520 - 1650 masl
  • Variety: Caturra, Typica
  • Roast Level: Medium
Tasting Notes: 
Bright, winey acidity, dark chocolate, and caramel.

The RFA Huila comes from a group of small Rainforest Alliance–certified farms with an average size of 2 hectares each, located within the Huila department. Several purchasing agencies around the area meticulously control each purchase to guarantee traceability and quality. These small farms are planted in mostly Caturra, and processing is of the traditional method. They all use manual hand-crank depulping machines to remove the cherry from the beans. They use raised beds for drying the coffee which gives the coffee good air circulation and even drying.

In short, these producers oversee the transformation of their coffee cherry to dried parchment, which is a real benefit, allowing the farmer to oversee how their coffee is handled, sorted, and prepped every step of the way. Their efforts have been rewarded with a Rainforest Alliance Certification, one of the most demanding sustainability seals. The positive impact to the preservation of this regions’ biodiversity is substantial. They work closely with neighboring plantations to raise the awareness of the importance of organic and rainforest certifications, because they are influential for both the land and the workers.

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